Teststation Order from Chaos

Automate Cyberoam Gateway Login w/ NetworkManager dispatcher service

The network at BITS Pilani Goa Campus is secured with Cyberoam UTM system and it’s mandatory for all users to login to a gateway server before they’re allowed internet access. While this ensures fair use and quota limits for everyone, it’s often a huge hassle to keep logging in whenever you reconnect. They do provide a client to simplify it, but I still found the manual process somewhat annoying and wasteful. So here’s what I did to automate the thing (all commands as root, on Fedora 23):

  • Create a new service user to run the client:
useradd -c "BITS / Goa Campus - Cyberoam User" -l -m -r -Z guest_u cruser
cd /home/cruser/
wget http://download.cyberoam.com/solution/optionals/CyberoamLinuxClient.tar.gz
tar xf /home/cruser/CyberoamLinuxClient.tar.gz
mkdir bin && ln CyberoamLinuxClient/crclient bin/
  • Install 32-bit libraries for the crclient binary:
dnf install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686
  • Generate configuration file:
    Change rohitshriwas and wlp7s0 with your own username and network interface
su -l cruser -c "~/bin/crclient -s -u rohitshriwas -i wlp7s0"
Server Address in dotted decimal format ::
AskonExit (y/n)?        n
AutoLogin (y/n)?        n
ShowNotification (y/n)? n
Server Address in dotted decimal format ::
Password: <type_your_password_here>
SavePassword (y/n)?     y
  • Add a script for NetworkManager dispatcher:
    Change rohitshriwas and wlp7s0 with your own username and network interface
cat -> /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-crclient << EOF


if [[ "$1" != "$IFACE" ]]; then
        logger "[crclient]: Not a defined interface, exiting ...";
        exit 0;

if [[ "$2" = "up" ]]; then
        SSID=`nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi | grep -E '^yes' | cut -d: -f2`;
        if [[ "$SSID" = "BPGC-WIFI" ]]; then
                logger "[crclient]: We're on $SSID, launching Cyberoam Client ...";
                su -l cruser -c "~/bin/crclient -l rohitshriwas";
                rm -f /tmp/CyberClient.*;
                su cruser -l -c "~/bin/crclient -u rohitshriwas -i wlp7s0 -f ~/CyberClient.conf";

if [[ "$2" = "down" ]]; then
        killall -u cruser;
  • Make the script executable:
chmod 755 /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-crclient

And that’s it! Now, I find myself already logged in whenever I reconnect to the campus Wi-FI. This can probably be refined and adapted to work with other Cyberoam enabled networks as well.